Making Emergency Management Compliance of SDA’s Simple

How would you feel if you were left behind

Keeping everyone safe in a multi-storey building that contains Specialist Disability Accommodation, is the responsibility of both the SIL provider and the SDA owner/provider.

Unfortunately, the Australian Building Codes Board negligently ignores the rights and life safety of people with disability by excluding any prescriptive requirements within the deemed-to-satisfy sections of the Building Code of Australia that address the protection and safe evacuation of people with a disability. Like most things I personally think it will require an incident involving loss of life of people with disability before anything happens with building legislation, as if Kew Cottages, Childres Backpackers and Quakers Hill aged care were not enough.


Download free Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan PEEPs templates for Specialist Disability Accommodation SDA


For anyone developing SDA’s within a multi-story building you must ask yourself, is the environment I am providing or managing safe for the participants? What planning is in place should a fire or other emergency occur? How will people requiring a lift to access a building evacuate when lifts cannot be used?

EvacuLife_Elite_Evacuation_ChairKeeping everyone safe in a multi-storey building while also ensuring compliance with these standards doesn’t need to be so complicated. Industry-leading equipment designed to meet specific regulations around emergency evacuation planning for hospitals and facilities can make compliance far simpler—and keep people with disability far safer.

It’s this focus on simplifying compliance that led EvacuLife (Part of the Equal Access Group Pty Ltd) to release the Elite Evacuation Chair, which is considered the gold standard in evacuation equipment for people with disability or limited mobility, the elderly and people with medical conditions.

Light, safe and easy to move and use for a single operator, the chair has been designed for use in multi-story buildings with a braking system in its rear wheels that blocks forward, backward and rotational movement – even on steep slopes. And, with a special tracked system, the evacuation chair can grip firmly onto stairs for a safe descent.

Ultimately, if you seek to ensure compliance with emergency planning regulations for facilities, the Elite Evacuation Chair from EvacuLife is the ultimate all-in-one solution.


View the EvacuLife Elite Evacuation Chair
View other Evacuation Products

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