Bruce Bromley

Bruce Bromley Accredited Disability Access ConsultantDirector: Certification and Compliance
Accredited SDA Assessor,
Registration Number SDA00002

Bruce has over 32 years of experience in disability access, architectural design, documentation & project management. He was also a co-author of the SDA Design Standards. He formed Equal Access Pty Ltd in 2007 in response to the growing recognition that whilst businesses were being urged to respond to their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act, the majority of assistance available was focused almost entirely upon the needs of the individual with a disability without an understanding of the impacts and practicalities for building owners, managers and consultants. Bruce also specialises in evacuation procedures and policies for people with disability and is a member of the Fire Protection Association Australia.


  • Accredited Disability Access Consultant | Access Consultants Association MN 187 Advisory, Auditing and Design
  • Accredited Livable Housing Assessor Registration Number: LHA10002
  • Co-author of the NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Design Standard
  • Lead Author, Changing Place Design Standard & Accredited Changing Places assessor CP002
  • Member Standards Australia development committee FP-017 Emergency Management Planning – Facilities (AS 3745)
  • Registered Building Practitioner. DP-AD 27678