What is a Breakout room in an SDA Robust home?

Breakout room in an SDA Robust home

A separate room is designed to respond to the individual disability-related needs of the participant. This means the rooms contain finishes and equipment suited to the preferences of the resident and tailored to support their needs. It does not need to be a large room, however, should have enough circulation space for furniture and equipment. For people in the community with very high needs, securing suitable housing can be a challenge – but now, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) aims to change this. SDA is available to participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) who are assessed as needing a....

How to Design & Build Robust Housing

Robust SDA Housing External

Prepared in conjunction with Anna Fleming from Purposed Housing Australia. Photography Bruce Bromley When planning Robust Category Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) suitable for participants who may require positive behaviour support, there are many designs and operational factors that must be closely considered. From selecting the site itself to planning the environment on both the inside and out, designing and developing a space that meets the needs of the individual is key. To do this, it’s important to create a dwelling that not only meets industry best practice standards but also suits each of the participant’s needs, including any highlighted in....

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation SDA

Photo of SDA bathroom with bath and change table

  For people in the community with very high support needs, securing suitable housing can be a challenge – but now, Specialist Disability Accommodation or SDA aims to change this. SDA is available to approved participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS who have been assessed as requiring a specialist housing solution to meet their individual needs. NDIS provides financial support to help people with a disability acquire a home that includes the specific design and support features to enable independence, social participation, exercise choice and control in their lives. All Specialist Disability Accommodation must be designed and....


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