The Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Design Standard that Bruce Bromley was a co-author of provides:
The NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Design Standard outlines the detailed design requirements for newly built SDA seeking enrolment under the NDIS. This standard aims to ensure high-quality housing for people with disabilities by providing clear guidelines and categories for design.
The SDA Design Standard includes four categories of design:
These categories help cater to participants’ diverse needs and preferences. The standard also requires an accredited third-party SDA assessor to certify that the design and final build meet all requirements.
The SDA Design Standard came into effect on July 1, 2021, and aims to improve the quality and availability of housing for People with disability, providing them with greater independence and control over their living arrangements.
Funding information includes the Pricing Arrangements for Specialist Disability Accommodation which is s a summary of NDIS prices that will apply for SDA. It is designed to assist providers in understanding the prices for SDA under the NDIS.
The NDIS Pricing Arrangements for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) provide a summary of price limits and other pricing arrangements that apply to SDA under the NDIS. These arrangements are updated regularly to reflect changes in the market and ensure that funding remains adequate for participants’ needs.
Key points about the SDA Pricing Arrangements include:
The pricing arrangements aim to stimulate the market to produce high-quality, accessible, and well-designed housing for participants with SDA funding in their plans.
Download the Pricing Arrangements for Specialist Disability Accommodation
How do I develop Specialist Disability Accommodation is one of the most common questions we receive daily. Unfortunately, minimal online information is available that steps you through the whole process.
We hope our document ‘Steps for Developing Specialist Disability Accommodation” can assist you with successful project delivery.
Download Steps for Developing Specialist Disability Accommodation
Supported Independent Living (SIL) provides help with and the supervision of daily tasks to develop an individual’s skills to live as independently as possible. These supports are provided to participants in their homes, regardless of property ownership, and can be in a shared or individual arrangement.
Assistance provided to a participant will be included in their plan depending on the level of support they require to live independently in the housing option of their choice.
Providers working with participants who require SIL support in their plans can use the Provider SIL Pack to assist them in developing the necessary quote and supporting documentation.
The Provider SIL Pack contains calculation tools and submission templates that help providers provide details and cost support to help people build their capacity to live more independently.
On June 17, 2020, the updated Specialist Disability Accommodation Rules 2020 (SDA Rules) came into effect. The framework for delivery to eligible participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been established using the SDA Rules, the NDIS Act 2013 and NDIS Rules under the Act.
The SDA Rules set out the criteria for NDIS participants to have SDA funding included in their plan, including the type of dwelling that SDA funding can be used on and how payments will be made to registered SDA providers.
The amount paid on SDA depends on the type of dwelling, which is specified by the building type that the registered provider enrols in. If the dwelling type changes, the registered provider must advise the NDIA within five working days. In addition, if the dwelling does not meet all the requirements of the building type under which it is enrolled, SDA payments will not be paid, so both the enrollment and the claim must be correct.
The SDA Rules describe five applicable Building Types, and the Price Guide contains further details on accommodation types and pricing. The number of residents impacts the SDA price. For claims, the number of residents in a dwelling includes both participants (whether they have SDA included in their plans or not) plus any other residents who are being accommodated at home.
The number of bedrooms also affects the price, and it’s important to note that an onsite overnight assistance room is not classified as a bedroom under the rule.
The Building Types that have separate SDA prices are as follows:
Download the Designing for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Fact Sheet